Introducing Box for iWork
With Box for iWork, you can create, preview, and collaborate on Pages, Numbers, and Keynote files right from within Box. You can:
Create, preview and edit iWork files in Box
- Work on iWork files within the Box web app (from a Mac or PC browser), with all changes automatically saved in Box. Easily access prior versions.
- Previews make it easy for users to review selected files before opening and add comments for collaborators without needing to download the file.
Collaborate in real-time on iWork files stored in Box
- Create a new iWork file directly from Box, and invite team members to collaborate.
- When you open the document in iWork on an iPhone, iPad or Mac, see who is currently editing the document in real-time, and simultaneously make changes to a single document as a team.
Here is an example of how it works:
Enabling Box for iWork
- Desktop Integration:
- MacOS High Sierra or later
- Pages 7.0, Numbers 5.0, and/or Keynote 8.0 or later
- Box Drive for Mac v1.10 or later or Box Edit for Mac v4.0 or later
- Mobile Integration:
- iOS 11 or later
- Pages 4.0, Numbers 4.0, and/or Keynote 4.0 or later
- Box for iOS v4.3.0 or later
- iWork Online Integration:
- Mac: Safari 9 or later, or Google Chrome 50 or later
- Windows: Internet Explorer 11 or later, or Google Chrome 50 or later
Enabling Box for iWork for Personal/Free Box Accounts:
- Open your Account Settings by clicking your profile image in the upper left corner (by default this will be your initials) and clicking Account Settings.
- Navigate to the Integrations tab.
- Check both boxes in the iWork files section to enable the integration. The first check box enables real-time collaboration on iWork files, and the second enables iWork files to be previewed in Box.
Enabling Box for iWork for Enterprise Accounts
- Open the Admin Console
- Open your Enterprise Settings by clicking the gear in the upper right corner and selecting Enterprise Settings.
- Navigate to the Apps tab.
- Under Productivity Integrations, check the boxes marked iWork Collaboration and iWork Previews. The first will enable real-time collaboration in iWork documents, while the second will enable iWork files to be previewed in Box.
Using Box with Pages, Numbers, and Keynote
Creating New Files from Box
You can create a new iWork file from the Box web application by clicking New in the upper right corner, and selecting the type of file you\'d like to create.
Open Files Stored in Box
From your desktop:
Opening a file from your Box Drive folder will automatically open the appropriate iWork program. If you cannot see the Box folder in your Finder sidebar, make sure Box Drive is running.
You can also use the Open menu in the appropriate iWork application to choose the file you\'d like to open. Any changes you make to files already stored in Box will automatically be saved back to Box.
From Box:
Click the file to preview it in Box, then click Open in the upper right corner. Select the program you\'d like to use to open the file.
Saving a File to Box
To save a newly created file to Box, simply save the file locally into Box Drive or upload to your Box account online. For existing files in Box, the file will be saved automatically back to Box.
Add or Manage Collaborators
While working in an iWork document, you can invite new collaborators and manage existing collaborators, just like you would in a Box Note or Box folder.
To invite collaborators:
- Click the Collaborate button in the upper right. This will open the Box Collaborators page in a new window.
- Click Invite Collaborators.
- Enter the names or emails of collaborators you\'d like to invite. When you are ready, click Send Invites.
In the Collaborators window, you can also modify Collaborator permissions or remove collaborators. Click here for more info.
Box and iWork Online
From the Box web application, you can open iWork files using iWork Online. Preview the file you\'d like to open, then click Open in the upper right corner. Select the "on the web" version of the program to open the file in your browser.
While working in your browser, any changes will be saved automatically back to Box. Use the Box web application to invite collaborators or share the file.
Box for iWork - iOS
You can use Apple\'s iWork mobile applications to create and edit documents stored in Box.
Make sure that your device has the following prerequisites:
- iOS 11 or later
- Pages 4.0, Numbers 4.0, and/or Keynote 4.0 or later
- Box for iOS v4.3.0 or later
Opening iWork Files from Box
To launch an iWork mobile application from Box for iOS:
- Preview an iWork file in Box by tapping on it
- Tap the Open in... icon
- Choose to open the file with the appropriate app.
Files that are opened from Box will be saved back to Box by default.
Opening Files in Box from iWork Applications
To open files located in Box from an iWork app:
- Open the appropriate iWork mobile app
- Tap Browse
- Under Locations select Box
- Select the file you\'d like to open.
Saving Files to Box from iWork Applications
To save a file to Box, simply choose Box under Locations, and save the file into the appropriate folder in Box.
Invite Collaborators
To invite collaborators into an iWork file from the iWork application:
- Click the Collaboration icon in the upper right
- This will open the Collaboration and Sharing window. In the Invite tab, search for the name or email of a collaborator you\'d like to invite, and select their names below.
Send a Shared Link
To send a shared link from the iWork application:
- Click the Collaboration icon in the upper right
- This will open the Collaboration and Sharing window. In the Link tab, tap Enable Link. You can modify the shared link settings below. When you are ready, tap Copy Link to copy the link to the clipboard.
Known Limitations
- The iWork integration supports files up to 1 GB in size. If your file is larger than 1 GB, use Pages, Numbers, or Keynote for Mac or iOS to reduce its size before trying to open it from
- The Box Collaborators page may not work for customers that block requests to This only affects files opened through Box Edit, Box Drive or iWork Online and does not affect iWork for iOS users.
- Box Edit and Box Drive do not support iWork files saved as package files. If your iWork file is a package file, use Pages, Numbers, or Keynote for Mac or iOS to save the file as a single file and re-upload the file to Box.
- Box Edit users may need to manually enable the "Finder Sync Extension" found under System Preferences > Extensions > Finder before the collaboration options within the iWork program will appear.